
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 27: More of Mallorca

Got breakfast with my dad. There was an amazing view from the top of the hotel. The food  was good really good by I was tired and my Dad was annoying me so I passed back out didn’t wake up till later. Craig just slept his sunburn off the whole time.

Then I called my host brother to see when I could meet them and to get my luggage. So we walked toward the city and I got lost, it was embarrassing. I thought I finally figured that city out but no. It was still beautiful lost or not. We then ate at a restaurant near turtle circle. I had an omelette (tortilla) sandwich, Craig had Serrano ham sandwich and my dad had tuna sandwich.

Then I walked into my host family's place and Luis and Mariel were cleaning. Then I gave them the gifts my dad and brother brought. We brought Reeses, PSU t-shirts and pancake mix. I gave them a tour of the house, went on the roof to see the amazing view, then we went out to explore.

I took my family all around the places I visited, we got gelato, went to mercadona to buy Bueno bars, beer and Spanish Gatorade. Went to plaza espana. They were exhausted so then we walked back to the catedral and also a souvenir shop. Then we went back and saw Luis and Mariel as we left were getting food for dinner. I went up to meet Carlitos. Introduced him, asked him how to get the bus but the closest bus stop was near where we lived. Took pics with him then Luis and Mariel came back and said goobye, it was sad.

Then took a taxi home. Relaxed for a little and looked for food went to an Irish pub with good food. Hot wings and nachos. Dad had salad, me and craig split a chicken provolone sandy. Then we stopped at a casino which had digital roulette. Won 20e off 1e on roulette. Then left and went to the hotel to sleep.

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