
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 15: These Lizards Need to Learn their Boundaries (Cabrera)

So I had to wake up early in order to get there on time. I woke up at 7 to pack and get ready. I realized I needed lunch and I never told my family because we were both busy. So I just grabbed random snacks and a water bottle with tap water (not a good idea). The tap water tastes funny and gave me a stomachache. The mom was the only one left when I was leaving and was mad I didn’t tell her I needed food but I was soo tired I didn’t really care about food. Then when I got there my stomach was hurting so I was kinda mad I didn’t eat or have food.

So we got into our usual personal bus van and headed out for a 1 hour trip to the south of the island. Once we arrived the people who didn’t have lunch went to a café where they made any bocadillo for 4euros, so we got jamon serano (it’s like prosciutto). So after that we headed to our boat which 5 minutes later was filled with like 50 elementary school kids. They all spoke Catalan and didn’t care that we were there they did what they wanted. A few got sick, it was sad.

So after a long boat ride we arrived to Cabrera, the most beautiful place in the WORLD. It is uninhibited, clean and all natural. The color of the ocean is unreal, it is soo many different shades of blue. Then we drove into a cave called the blue cave. It was crystal clear water you can see to the bottom. It was bright blue and dark and cold. It was amazing; and so salty you could barely go under. It was something I never thought I would do.

Us on the boat
Max blocking my pic of all the kids
Lovin in
The cave

Under Water
It was a beautiful island, we walked to the pebble beach, where the water was clear and there were a bunch of creatures in the ocean. Like shrimp, snails, tiny fish, big fish, starfish, tadpole looking fish. They aren’t scared of people either which is so strange. Also the bushes behind us were full of LIZARDS. These lizards didn’t care about our presence at all. They would crawl all over you and attack you. They were everywhere and were really fast. It was surreal, Max tried to kill/trap the PROTECTED species haha.

The castle
The group 
Amazing island

Our beach
Pure sexiness
Water was sooo clear

I just couldn’t stop looking around at how beautiful it was. We were only there for a little until we had to get back on the boat. I was exhausted and hot and needed shade because of the sun burn. On the way back I dozed off and the little boys were making fun of me because my mouth was wide open. Then I dozed again and Max was throwing things at me (I was unaware at the time). Once he hit me and I woke up, the whole boat started clapping; all the little kids, it was sooo funny. They were mean to me haha. Then when we got back we went to the aquarium/fish preservation. It was all the fish native to Cabrera in tanks, it was really cool. Then we got gelato (of course), I got Mango and Cheesecake (separate scoops of course) it was delicious.

I was tired
The Aquarium 
My favorite fish
I always ruin the photo
Then we had to get back on the bus where I actually stayed awake and then had to walk back to my house and get showered because I felt sticky and salty. Then I had to put on like 3lbs of DNA repair because my stomach is on fire. I am exhausted and people wanna go out but I don’t think I have it in me and I can’t go to the beach tomorrow because I’m soo burnt. So we’ll see.

            So everyone was missing just the dad and mom were home. Then the dad went to get Carlitos(16) and Javier(13) who was at a boy and girl sleepover. The mom had to call and speak with the parents to make sure there was supervision haha. Then Luis(20) was at the movies to see Piratas or Pirates of the Caribbean. So it was just me and the mom for a while. We were talking about her kids and stuff that is different from the US. She cut me this AMAZING cheese, it was soo good. Then I also had some more fresh cherries that were AMAZING, they eat them together here, which is fine by me, cuz it tasted good. Then we set the table and were waiting for everyone. Carlitos didn’t wanna eat so it was me, the mom and the dad on the patio. It was nice eating outside; there are no bugs so it’s really peaceful. We talked about things I could do this weekend since I have free time.

Then the dad left and me and the mom talked about how the US has processed food, a lot of cancer and diabetes and bad public transportation. Then how Europe has the opposite but she said that it’s not fair to say the US is bad, because we are first in everything and then Europe gets it later and should learn from our mistakes, but according to her, they don’t. It was an interesting talk and it lasted for like 2 hours, we also talked more about her kids haha. She really wants to go back to the US. It was like 11pm by now and I was exhausted so I could not go out. So I went to bed

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