
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 11: Hating Germans isn’t only for the Jews

Woke up early and rested, picked through the pantry and ate muffins, crackers and desserts for breakfast. I put some in a bag for lunch. Then I had class and after class we went in a car to Playa de Palma. We walked around and went to this really official building to listen to a presentation. We were not prepared; it was in a conference room. They had all these books for us and a PowerPoint. I almost fell asleep during it. It was boring because we weren’t prepared. They talked about how they wanted to change Playa de Palma into a cleaner newer and more environmentally friendly area. It was interesting but intense.

The conference
Struggling to stay awake
Conversation on the beach
Business conversation
Then we sat at a table and talked about the presentation and American business ethics by accident because I mentioned how Apple is a horrible company. Then it was time for our team: me, Chelsey and Brandy to do our interviews. We had to interview 8 companies and 10 tourists. Sounds easy right? WRONG. No one spoke English or Spanish. FRIGGIN GERMANS. We talked to Dutch people in English and also French people in Spanish and 4 people from Belgium they were very nice. All the businesses spoke Spanish and were very friendly and answered the questions very well. They pretty much hate all inclusive hotels, even the worker in the all-inclusive hotel haha. The tourists loved everything, especially the old lady. But the most universal thing is that they hated GERMANS. They said they are loud and drunk bahahaha. There is an area of Germans that drink and fight. This took like 2 hours to do 18 interviews. Everyone hated us, we met nice British people though who helped. The people who barely spoke English and Spanish were the most friendly which is strange b/c they can barely communicate.

After we were done I came home exhausted and we had leftovers of paella and the Chinese food. Also some salad, it was the best leftovers I have ever had haha. They watched some crazy TV shows and the Simpsons. Luis was doing Javier’s project, it was like some crazy homemade battery. Javier was being crazy as always and making me translate things to English and I would make him do the reverse. Then I just went to my room to do homework and then sleep

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