
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 14: Call me KFC, cuz I just deep fried my stomach!!

The day of the PROJECT, yay finally this will be over with, it has been lingering over my head forever. So I had to get up early which I did not want to do and meet Chelsey to walk to the university. I got coffee and we went through the slides to make sure we knew the correct order. So then we went to class and our group was first to present. I thought we did a good job, it was pretty long but we all spoke fluently and explained everything very well. After that we had a discussion/debate. It was intense; they were very specific and random question. It is hard to have a high level debate/discussion in a foreign language. Then we had our break finally, then to listen to the other group’s presentation which was not as good as ours (im clearly biased) hahah j/k it was good as well. But I mean neither group really cared about what we were talking about. Then we had more discussions and then the class was over, which means our tourism part was over. It was kind of sad because the teachers were really nice but it was a lot of work. It was a separate class on top of our language class. Its kinda nice to just be able to focus on our language work now.

 After class was over I went up to talk to Antonia about hotels for my family and getting a doctorate in Spain and she helped me and they gave me the best complement a Spanish student can have, that my Spanish is really good. Coming from native Spanish speakers that means a lot because I feel like I have been studying forever and if I wasn’t good it would just be a waste of my time. 

So then I left to go to my house to eat and get changed. I heated up some tortellini and some bread with apple juice it was delicious. Then I creeped around the whole house and took pictures haha.

My bed
My closet
My desk
The bathroom
Toilet and Bidet 
The shower
Luis' room

Laundry Room
Kitchen Table
Living Room
Front door
Creepy Elevator
 I watched a little tv of Cosas de la casa or Family Matters as we know it. The voiceovers is Spanish are hilarious because they try to imitate the English voices but it is just bad and the jokes don’t really work. Then I went to grab the bus by myself. I was wondering why everyone was staring at me, then I realized I was wearing a Reese’s shirt. They don’t have them here so they were confused and the people that know of them were drooling haha. Then I took the bus alone which feels a lot longer alone. Also people don’t get out of their seats for women and children which is hard for me to do. Then I went to Illetes again, we really need to go anywhere else because it is such a nice beach. Both girls went topless so I was in a topless sandwich haha. I didn’t put sunscreen on because I wanted to even out my tan but the sun was sooo strong that I burnt the shit out of my stomach. Everywhere else was fine because it was already tan but my stomach is  rojo red (new term).

I went home chugged a bottle of water and showered. Afterwards I put on practically the whole bottle of DNA or in Spanish ADN fixer. Now Im just waiting to eat and probs go out for ladies night because I haven’t been out in so long and seen the other students. We also are going to Cabrera which is the island off the island which is supposed to be amazing because it is natural, uninhibited and preserved. It’s a full day event, I need to lotion up haha. Also I think my neighbors are Mexican, Child abusers or brats. There is a little girl who just SCREAMS at the top of her lungs all the time, its pretty much my alarm clock. Also I know is she doesn’t sound happy. I had veal and green beans for dinner it was really good and then I got ready to go out for ladies night again, which was fun as always.

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