
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Monday, June 6, 2011


I woke up and we met at plaza early to walk to class. We had an intro class pretty much. To find out we had like 2 classes, one that is more for tourism, also the hours change every day. After class we met at Plaza de Espana to get a bus with the Guardian Angels to an amazing beach. It was a 30 min ride to this small blue water and white sand beach. It looked like it should’ve been private. We just laid out and I got a bacon and cheese sandwich later. The water was sooo clear but freezing because of the rain early this week. The beach was called Illetes or Illetas, Islitas in Castellano, It means little islands

Then we went back to the Plaza de Espana around 8 (which is still light here), I walked home to shower and then eat. We had cut beef with rice. Carlos was here this time but not Luis. They then came out with chocolate ice cream and a candle and made Javier sing happy birthday in English to me. Then at dinner we played who knew English the best. Javier es chulo, cocky in English. I taught them that and they called him that all day haha. The mom has very good English; she has been practicing with me. Then they gave me a book for my birthday, it’s about Mallorca, it’s really nice. I was planning on sleeping but everyone wanted to go grab drinks, why not it’s my birthday.
My Birthday Present
We met at Plaza de Espana but the bar was next to my house to I walked there for no reason, we couldn’t find the bar but Natalia was determined and she sniffed out the vodka with her Russian nose. We finally made it to Agua Bar. It’s like American haha, all American classic music. The girls had problems ordering drinks from the American bartender. He thought I was Hispanic so he was nice. Natalia had no problems, she knows what’s up. She is hilarious!! We just sat around and had drinks until they closed and then I went home and passed out.

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