
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1 at HM Hotel Jaime III

I get my key, bring my luggage up and there is a man in his underwear. Hello?, that was Alex my roommate who goes by Max. My other roommate is matt and he is from Collegeville, went to methacton and goes to Ursinus. I remembered him as boot kid because his leg was broken, then he got rid of the boot.
So I ran downstairs to get lunch, I was the only one eating, cuz I was late. I got a turkey something sandwhich and it was good. Then we went all to meet and introduce ourselves, then walk throughout the city, so delirious, all I remember is: turtle circle, manatee lane and dolphin way. We made them up to remember where the hell we where. Everything was beautiful, the buildings were amazing and the churches were half in ruins and looked amazing……THEN…….............
DOUBLE RAINBOW, it was a double rainbow because it started to rain. We took pictures and a couple group shots of us all looking Asian. Then back to the hotel for a break then dinner at Click diner.

This place does not know what it is: American, Italian, Mexican, CRAZY?
Creepy crepe: Tomato sauce with ham and mushrooms.
I got a hamburger because it seemed safe.

Then we left to come pass out, and here I am now ready to pass out from a long day only to start a longer one.
But tomorrow I get info on classes and to meet my host family! Cant wait

Here is our hotel room:

Nice right? But they have a strange taste for art

Lady on a swing with her slave and horse? There were more than one of these treasures too

The view when the elevator open, horny spanish people

Casual creepy dress at the end of our hallway

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