
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 22: I Feel Like a Snake cuz I’m Shedding my Skin (I don’t wanna leave)

 I woke up early to study aka I snoozed my alarm for an hour and rushed to class without studying. Friggin festival last night, didn’t have time to study and was too tired to wake. So I was sleep deprived, starving and unprepared. So pretty much miserable. I took the test and it wasn’t that long but the vocab words on it I don’t remember learning, I mean I didn’t study but I still wouldn’t have known them if I did. Whatever I was just really hungry and tired, I didn’t care at that point. So eventually after waiting an hour for the rest to finish we trekked forever to an old ice cream shop where there were tapas out.

Thank the lord, after we all engulfed them in 3 minutes it was time to order ice cream. I ordered almond because I was told that is traditional. It was really good it tasted very different. This was more like sorbet, you can taste the ground up almond, it was really fresh.

Then we were tourists and took a bunch of pictures of our group and eventually parted to get ready to go to the beach. When I got to the beach I used the towel my family gave me which is really light and tiny but I was too big for it. I passed out and was covered in sand, it was a mess. So I just went and swam in the crystal clear water, oh what a burden.

Then we headed back all miserable, tired and wet. Where I went home and was able to relax for 5 minutes for the first time since I have been here. I still need to pack, book hotels and talk to my family who are leaving TOMORROW. Nothing like a last minute vacation, oh well. I'm kinda happy that I’m leaving for a little then coming back, that way I get to still see my friends one last time. Its gonna be weird not being in Mallorca. I feel like its where I belong, that its my home, I fit in here. I love my family and I am gonna miss them everyday I am gone. I hope they stay in contact, I know I will. I'm gonna leave them all my information and come visit them next year when I go to Seville. But its gonna be strange not seeing that place for a year. Its definitely become part of me.

I had this really good ham with leftover tortellini for dinner. Carlos heated it up for me, he's been the one taking care of me haha. He came in to eat after I was finished I can barely understand him because he talks so fast and mumbles (he is like me in Spanish form haha). He asked me if I was going out and I was like yeah and then I explained to him how in America I cannot drink legally, he was shocked. Also I had to try and explain frat houses.

Then I went on and talked to my mommy and the animals on Skype. Also had like 10 people facebook chatting me at the same time. I had to get ready to go out to S’escuxador, it’s a plaza that has like and outside bar.
Trying to spell this place in text was impossible!!
I met MK and Chelsea at the plaza first. Me and MK were talking about the scariest movies we have ever seen and those movies that make your really frustrated. Then we went to the foto kiosko that sells everything under the sun for MK to buy her 40 and lollipop. I had to buy a fanta cuz they are different here and I got 2 lollipops because MK made them look good. Her goal was to chug the 40 before we got to the plaza, she almost did it was pretty impressive. We just chilled outside, I got a beer and we ate our weight in free corn nuts. It was kind of sad because some people are leaving tomorrow and soon, so I probs wont see them again. Then I walked home exhausted and passed out, set an alarm to wake up at 10:30.

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