
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Friday, June 3, 2011

The flight from hell

Cerdanyola del valles to Barcelona to Palma de Mallorca: Uh no

Flight at 9:40 arriving at 10:30, simple get to Palma in time for the 12:00 group pick-up right?


Lets talk about the trip from HELL

I had my taxi driver who took my to my hotel the first time, come pick me up at 7am, she is amazing, she doesn’t speak English but she helped me a lot. Don’t get me wrong I still paid 50 euros for the taxi trip. It was fair because where I stayed was ridiciously far from the airport and she arrived early, gave me a 10 euro discount, told me all the better hotels. Her name is Montse and she is a saint. So Im out 50 euros, aka all my money in euros, the hotel couldn’t convert.

I found an ATM and took out money, but im still stuck with all my American cash, which is worth more, but they wont take it, idiots haha.

So I check in at Spainair, since I have a US passport they try to speak broken English, I tell them I speak Spanish, much easier.

So I head to gate B because that is where it is, this airport isn’t like America it doesn’t tell you which gate until like 30minutes before, which is ridiculous because I have to run back and forth.

So I sit down at a random gate and wait, see a sign for my flight turn on and I go over there and wait until 9:10 when Im supposed to board. Uh the sign disappears, apparently Im going to Munich, ta fuck? So I ask information they say go the Spainair help desk, aka the other side of the airport, YAY. I wait in a long ass line to hear, your plane had technical difficulties and will leave at 12:30. FUCK YOU!! I have to be there at 12:30 BITCH, but I smile and nod, as they give me a new ticket and a 5euro voucher for a snack. A SNACK, you ruined my day and I get a snack, this isn’t even the worst yet. This almost beats the metro, train, bus, taxi to get back to my bumfuck hotel frustration.

So I have to go to baggage claim to get my bag and re-check it for my new flight, I really don’t feel like doing this all again, but no choice, Running on chocolate and 2 hours sleep, what else is new.

So I get my back, which is on the group floor, I was on the 3rd floor. Then back up to the 3rd floor to recheck. Then I wait in another half hour line. Get to the front to the idiot who cannot read a ticket. He saw my other tag because it was canceled and said you missed your flight. I said no it was cancelled Im here for the next one. Apparently the idea of flight cancellation is new to him.  I said this is my new boarding pass I need to check it for this. Eventually a bell rang in his tiny brain and he did it.

Knowing my luck he sent my bag to Munich. But whatever, get me the fuck out of here.

So know to go through security again. YAY it must be my birthday.
The first time I had to get padded for having NOTHING. This time was more fun. Same stuff as before, nothing new.

BUT NOOO, now my backpack looks suspicious. The guard told me in bad Spanish and enlgish to open my bag and take out my bottle.

Huh? Bottle, Botella, no hay, te lo juro

Open the bag he yells

I take out gum and cameras, but he is sure there is a bottle.

So I dump my whole bag out as he is yelling at me that I have it in some secret compartment.


After dumping out all 1000 things he was satisfied with pissing me off and walked off and happy.

So now to go back to the infamous Gate B, where hopes enter and then get crushed by incompetent staff and cancelled flights.

Which brings me to now, here I am, one vent and an ativan later, I have made peace with this, because I will be in Mallorca soon and be out of these god forsaken airports.

So now that I missed the group pick-up I have to take a taxi, yay more euros, I have spent all my money on TAXIS!!

So I thought by now (12pm) I would be boarding my plane to go to Mallorca but no, this is Spainair, they don’t want me to go anywhere, I have to spend my life in this airport.

They just announced the new time will be 1pm to board. YAY. SO I woke up at 6am to get to the airport  ontime to not miss my flight only to have it cancelled. Original time 9:40, changed to 12:30 alright that sucks but not too bad. Now 1:30 is when Im leaving, 4 HOURS after I intended, well I could have slept in, taken the metro with my baggage and gotten here on time. My Ativan and patience are wearing thin, please get me on a plane to Palma ahorita!!!

I finally left at 2:30 getting there after 3, the kind in front of me on the plane was actually going to the same place but I didn’t ask. I missed the pickup so I had to get another expensive taxi of course, forgetting to get a receipt so I could get reimbursed.  Whatever Im here. 

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