
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 23: Good Try Alarm but my Body is in Palma Coma Recovery

So I guess my body has become adapted to the Palma lifestyle: No sleep, alcohol instead of water and beach instead of napping, and of course walking miles everywhere. Which means I usually function fine but eventually my body shuts down. Last night being that night. Pretty much once a week on the day that I don’t have anything scheduled my body just shuts down because its so exhausted. I'm always sleep deprived, dehydrated, sunburnt and hungover. My body just makes it happen or I would die haha.

I hate doing this because I don’t wanna waste my time here sleeping but then again I feel soo good after I wake up. I was supposed to wake up at 10:30 so I could take a THON pic but I seriously could not get up, I was in like a legit coma. I tried getting out of bed like 10 times but my brain would just go to sleep while I was lifting my head up, it was crazy. So I was eventually able to get up at 4pm, yes 4pm. That’s 12 hours of sleep which is less that my normal 13 hour comas.

Today I have to talk to my brother and dad because they are leaving today and arriving tomorrow. I need to pack and figure out my plans and book the rest of the hotels. I booked one in Palma and Barcelona, it was fun of course. I just made sure they were close to the hotel because after paying millions in taxis I am not doing that again.  I called my dad and told him and he told me about his impulse buy of an iPad. I'm kind of excited to see my family aka Craig and Robbie.

I also miss home, like my house and pets. I don’t wanna leave here but knowing I'm coming back for a semester makes it a lot better. I know I'm gonna be happy to be home but then as soon as I get comfortable I'm gonna get really upset and miss Palma, my friends and my family. I've just been lounging all day packing and its sad that I can pack everything I brought in a suitcase in 30 minutes. I feel like I have lived here my whole life and that I packed up that fast, it doesn’t seem right. I feel like I’m missing something. Oh wait…I cant bring all of Palma with me. Its hard to leave this all behind, my family, friends, experiences, this island. You kinda have to be crazy to not like Mallorca.

I had pasta with butter and cheese, they were shocked I put butter on my pasta instead of olive oil haha.

Here are some videos of intense PARKOUR last night:

Then I had a weird dinner. I had pasta with butter. They asked if I wanted mayonnaise or ketchup. Then they had hotdogs in a jar and called them sausages and told me to put them on the spaghetti. I grabbed cheese and well, it wasn’t bad but it was funny. Also Luis had his friend Javier come over who took his shirt off cuz he got a tattoo. Then Carlos was there with his friend and he never wears a shirt. His friend also took his shirt off to prevent stains. So I was eating in the kitchen with three shirtless guys, it was just a funny sight to see.

Then we wanted to go out early because it was our last night for most people and technically for me as well. We wound up going to O’Brians where I got a brew and it was pretty boring in there. Patrick said he would drink milk right now if it wasn’t socially weird. I thought that was hilarious. Then we went to Aguabar because some people have never been. I didn’t drink anything there, just relaxed. Laura came and met us with her mom. We eventually left and said goodbye to everyone. I passed out I was exhausted and I had to pack in the morning.

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