
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The flight

The flight from Philly to Barcelona went very smooth. I sat next to 2 larger guys though. They were nerdy gingers, thank the lord for headphones. I couldnt sleep at first. I watched True Grit then slept for a little. Then I woke up and watched The Town. I was happy cuz they passed the time. They were also both amazing movies. The flight wasnt too long. It was like 7 and half hours but it didnt feel really long. I was comfortable and satisfied.

The worst part is arriving at 8:25am when it is really 2:25am at home. I had to start the day like I had sleep. I was exhausted when I arrived. Luckily the airport is really nice and easy to navigate.

Right from baggage claim they had an area for taxi's. I had Montse, she was really nice and helped me a lot, even though she had no idea where it was. No one did. When I arrived the lady spoke English, I think that was because I was there, she left after me and the rest of the staff spoke english.

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