
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 21: I Hope You Like Fire (Dia de Sant Juan) Shortest Day of the Year

I woke up exhausted and with calf cramps from running all around Palma yesterday. I ran off to class and we had a fun class, showed our videos and presentations. We were all kinda goofy. Then we did some interview stuff and then left. I came home and passed out. I have not been able to catch up on sleep for a while.

Carlos was making food to eat before I slept because he was hungry and he is going out tonight, Luis doesn’t know. So I was like I'm not hungry now and passed out for like 3 hours. It felt nice. Tonight is the Dia de Sant Juan, the shortest day of the year. It is a huge festival everywhere, there are fires and people stay on the beach and light candles. So our group is meeting up at 10:30pm for the festival. But my class has our final exam tomorrow, its only vocab so it shouldn’t be too bad.

So I ate tortellini that Carlos made earlier, he has friends over. One is blonde and looks like he is British but speaks Spanish,  the other I'm assuming is 16 as well but I thought it was a girl at first cuz his voice is high pitched, so I was very confused. I was like I heard a girl and then I see where the voice is coming from. It is so funny to me that they all listen to American music not knowing what it is saying. I haven’t heard one Spanish song played by this family. They can say the words but don’t know what they mean. It strange because I only listen to very little foreign music besides Spanish because I don’t understand it. But they all just listen and pretend like they know it. Also they watch videos in English or British and have no idea whats going on. I just laugh because I understand them and I think they forget sometimes that my native language is English, not that I only know a little English.

So then I got ready to go out and met everyone at Plaza Espana. Wasn’t planning on drinking but everyone else is, so I bought my 2 euro 40oz beer. Drank on the way to the cathedral to watch the fire show.

 This shit was bat shit crazy. They had people dressed as demons swinging fire at you, licking you and humping you.

They had fire crackers on strings everywhere.

They had a big circle where all the performers were. It was insane, there were fireworks and thousands of people. I didn’t go toward the circle the other group did where they got caught in fireworks and burn part of their clothes.

 Me and some others watched from a safe distance haha. Then we went to the beach to burn our bad things that happened to us note. Then you run in the ocean with you paper of your desires. It’s a strange holiday. Everyone sits on the beach with candles around them.

It was late and I had a final the next day so I had to leave and let MaryKate walk me home, which means we got lost and then she left me to get more lost. I was exhausted. Got home and ate leftover tortellini and gelato, such a good idea. Then I passed out without putting a bandaid on my knee that a I scraped so I got blood all over the white sheets on my bed FAIL!

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