
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6: Where Preaching in English is Universal

Finally a day that ended at 12. We had class from 9-12 and I needed coffee before. This class was with Tolo, he was really interesting. He clearly knew a lot about business, he studied finance in the states and speaks some English. I learned a lot from him and he spoke really fast, it took a little getting used to. I then went to Burger King with Max, which is really expensive. A sandwich can be over $10 there, it's crazy and the portions are smaller. Then on my way back, it was soooo crowded with all foreigners. They were German, French and British, almost no Spanish because they are working. I realized how annoying we are when we stand in the street. Then of course there was a black guy in the middle of the plaza screaming, "Jesus is salvation, seek him or you death." I mean preaching its 1000x funnier in English with a Spanish accent. I felt like I was back at Willard.

Its good to know there are crazy religious people everywhere. Good thing they learn English and preach in it to people who don’t speak. It's weird being home early. Only Luis is home and he's quiet so I forget. I feel antisocial staying in my room but I also feel uncomfortable sitting on the couch silent with him hahaha.

Then we made plans to go grab drinks at 6. We went to a place near by, it was only 2 euros for a beer which is good for around here. The beer is pretty strong but I like it. I taught them the Italian hand game it was hilarious we all made a stupid mistakes. Then I came back and gave Carlos the Buffalo pretzels so he can try it. Buffalo doesn’t exist outside America, so its strange to them. It's funny to watch them eat it, there is nothing similar. I couldn't see Javier tried them, but I don’t think he liked them. He screamed "it tastes like shit, how disgusting."
That night I just passed out. I set an alarm to take a nap. They said the parents would be late if I wanted to eat now and I was too tired so I said I would wait. Mistake, I had some alcohol in me and I passed out. I didn’t wake up until 8am the next day for class. When I woke up I was exhausted. 

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