
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 12: Wait we actually have to do work? Where que tal? is just as hard to answer in Spanish as English. Where losing one sock in the wash is universal. Where you have to fake laugh to fit in.

I woke up early and rested as always, im so exhausted at night that I just pass out. I picked at some food and then went to go meet Chelsey at plaza mayor. I took a new way, the faster way. I have been taking the extremely long way to class because I don’t wanna get lost and be late. But this way takes like 30min and if I take the shortcut its like 10min. So today I realized Im an idiot.

So we go there early and I had a cake that was chocolate on the top and vanilla on the bottom with strawberry jelly ontop for a euro, it was delicious. Then we had class and had free time to work on our project that we have no guideline for. After that me, ana and todd went to todds house so he could get money and go to the mercadona. Todd’s family is funny they have a fat orange fluffy cat that I pet. Also a fat son named Gordy, b/c he is so fat. There was a calendar that had his face in the center it was hilarious, the dad saw me laughing and glared.

Then to the mercadona for healthy shopping. First crackers, then ham flavored chips *orgasm* Also some gummies, granola bars, cookies and bananas so I don’t die. It was only like 7euros, not too bad. Then I went back home exhausted and started to work on the project and read the readings which turned into a 2 hour nap. Then I woke up and started actually reading the articles until dinner. It was just me and Javier for dinner and we watched the Simpsons, its funny watching it translated. I had leftover chicken drumsticks with rice it was really good. The rice is thick and heavy here, not like American, asian, or Indian rice, its different but it soaks up the flavor and that makes it really good. Then I went back to my room to do more work. YAY. And I am exhausted so we have a free day tomorrow….to work on our project, hopefully finish early, then beach time! 

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