
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 17: Where all families despite location and language are the same.

I woke up all throughout the night, I was still drunk. Eventually I got up and showered. I felt like shit but after the shower I felt better. I also in the middle of the night put on my ipod to play the whole Pink Friday CD and I couldn’t sleep because I rapped the whole CD hahahah. Also when I woke up my feet were covered in blood and they hurt. That’s what happens when you break it down to Beyonce’s crazy in love. Then I came out of my hibernation and ate pasta with meat sauce which is the perfect resaca (hangover) cure.

I did dishes and they kept yelling at me but I needed to do something because I slept all day. This family makes me soo happy. They are a big family and they are normal. It’s cool to see that on the other side of the world from me there is a family that pretty much acts the same as any other. The boys never wanna study or do chores. Like everyone in the world. They all fight and hit each other. I think the mom thinks her kids are just this way, but I assure her all brothers are the same. They all fight and they all don’t wanna study or do work. It’s comforting to me to see them fight and yell because then I know there is no such thing as a “perfect” family. From afar they look like a perfect family with a beautiful home and a great culture and morals, but on the inside they are the same as any other family I have seen. The mom also gave me a really cool towel, it really thin, light and soft, it’s for the beach because it’s light, and its BLUE! We are going to watch the sunset tonight.

So we got ready to leave for the mountains. Carlos and Javier couldn’t come because they had to study, Javier was not happy. We picked up Mariel because she and Luis were staying to camp in the mountains for the next 2 days. It wasn’t that long of a ride, the view was amazing. Once we got to the mountains we had to take tiny windy roads it reminded me of Costa Rica. Eventually we got there, passing Michael Douglas’s mansion. We then walked through little beautiful houses built into the mountain. It was all amazing!!

The view was fantastic I was also greeted by 2 dogs who I pet because I haven’t been able to pet one forever. So then we went and sat near the water, the water was really clear and had coral in it. Luis and the dad went swimming, I wanted to but I was so tired and didn’t wanna get wet (I know I sound like a girl) but Titos kicked my ass. I was just enjoying the view and relaxing. It was the first time I could relax alone without other people really and it was nice. They kept thinking I didn’t like the place because I was so quiet, but it was the opposite, I was just soaking it in.

Then they kept saying I must be in love cuz I was so quiet, I was like no it’s because I’m so tired and hungover. I said I was in love with Jose Cuervo. The mom talked about how she has trouble distinguishing colors and all 3 of her sons have it, so the dad was saying it is impossible to win with them because they all think it is the wrong color. Then we picked at olives, fish and bread and watched the sunset. It was amazing, the views were fantastic.

Then we packed it up and left and I was looking around like a little kid because I didn’t wanna leave. Then when we got home I skyped the gp (grandparents) with Aunt Jodi, the animals and Mom. Then I ate pasta with meat sauce for dinner (alone) because it was late and I was on skype. But then the mom came in and had milk and cookies with me. Then Javier and Carlos came in, Carlos wanted to go to a party in Ibiza but he had an exam the next day so the mom said no, so he was pissed. Then Javier read his text messages out loud from Sara (his girlfriend) it was so cute. I miss you, good night cutie….etc. He is in love and he is 13 and it is so cute, he isn’t embarrassed by it, he loves It’s funny unless I tell them I’m gonna speak English they have no idea what I’m saying, they just stare at me. I have to repeat it slowly then say it in Spanish and they all go Ahh and mumble to each other in Spanish. Also ff (fun fact) all the stop signs here say STOP. Now it’s time to get my ass to bed and class tomorrow. 

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