
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 16: Where the Beers are Stronger and the Days are Longer. Also where I’m pee shy.

I slept ALL day! This is bad, I didn’t get out of bed until like 3pm. I was just so exhausted from all the sun and excursions. It felt good to catch up on sleep, but I feel bad for my family when I sleep all day. But they are really busy and I don’t like being in their way. With 3 kids, Javier (13) who is always going to friends’ houses and has a girlfriend now, they are always worried. I found out the only reason he was wearing a scarf when I met him was to hide his hickeys hahha. Then Carlos or Carlitos (because he is the Jr.) is in a sports school for kayaking and he kayaks for miles on the north of the island every day, he is always exhausted. Then he travels all over Spain to compete and then comes back in that same day. Then there is Luis (20) who is a hippy with his girlfriend Mariel, they are soo nice and very into the environment and not wasteful.  But he wasn’t always that way, so the mom is worried. This is seriously a reality show. I just charged all of my electronics and got caught up on music and homework. Also uploaded pics and videos.

Also a ff(fun fact) my whole family wears crocs haha. Only in the house though, they aren’t stupid haha. So I just chilled in my room and caught up with my parents until dinner. We had rice with fried eggs, definitely eating that at home. It’s simple, quick and tastes good. We watched the Simpsons as always and then me and Javier were still at the table and he watched monster trucks.  I had to translate all the corny names to him in Spanish. Then I showed him my talent of how my mouth stretches. Then he threw cheese at me while I washed the dishes for him haha. Then he told the mom I threw cheese and he did the dishes. She of course hit him for lying. So now Im just getting ready to go out. God knows what is gonna happen because we met another group of student through Arcadia that are here and want to go out with us, but our group is always disorganized.

So I get to Plaza de España and none of our group was there but the other group saw me so I met with them. Then I went to buy cups and a beer. We just pregame in the middle of the street it’s pretty awesome. So then after taking some shots (alone) because the liquor was so cheap and bad we started walking. We were following the other group to go to another bar but Shane’s padre lead them the wrong way, they weren’t happy. So we get to the bar and some people just stayed outside and drank, I went in and socialized and had a beer, they were all from LaSalle and were all really nice and funny.

Group Shot
Group Shot with Matt's perfect Sorority Squat
Patrick feeding me gelato...the life
After that we took taxis to TITO’S. This bar was crazy. It’s huge and crowded. We bought these tickets from a sketchy guy that saved us 5 euros and got us 2 free drinks it was a pretty nice deal. We all got in, got our drinks (which were strong) but that is fine by me. We attacked the floor. The tranny and shirtless guys were dancing on the stage next to us, then they went in the cages, then the girls came out. Eventually I got up on stage and danced it was sooo fun. I danced so hard that my feet bled haha. It was freaking awesome. Then we snuck upstairs and didn’t get caught, it was pretty fun. Then 2 other girls from our group tried to sneak in and got caught and kicked out downstairs. Shane’s padre was not okay with this, he like started fighting them and got kicked out, so did Matt for helping. Me and Brynna tried to break it up but it wasn’t working. Also Shane was hooking up with a grenade bahaha. So we all just left then to look for taxis. Then we saw 3 foot sausage. Umm I went to town on that. So worth the 3.5 euros. I was violated by that thing. So me and Sam got a cab to Plaza de España and I walked her home, then I got home around 6am. I went on facebook for a little until I passed out!

The shirtless men and tranny, you know the usual
So thug haha 
What is wrong with me?
Now I'm being normal
Me, Shane and his padre
Stealing the pic
I GO HARD haha
She gave in 
Went too low 
Jumped on shtage
VIP "take a picture" 
There you go
Crazy dancer
3 foot Sausage!!
The sausage place

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