
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 5: Look out thunder thighs and cankles, Palma means business

The million stairs
Matt Arrived!

We had class at 12 and I got lost as always. I walked in circles until I saw Natalia then I found it. After class we had a field trip to Castillo Bellver. 

We took a bus there and had to walk up 1,000,000 stairs. Poor Matt had a broken leg and had to walk everywhere. The castle was amazing and had amazing views of the city. We walked around like tourists and took pictures. It was a lot of fun but my calves were killing and I was exhausted and sweaty. I eventually got home at like 6 for the first time ever, always at 8. I just uploaded pictures and chilled for the first time ever.

Inside the castle, its a circle!
The statues inside the castles 
View from the Castle
View of the City from the Castle
Then I gave the 2 boys my rollingstone and wired magazines because they were in English and they are learning it, so I thought it would help.

They had a guest over who loves English and he wants to just stay a summer in America to learn English, which I think is cool. But he is in his 40’s and he doesn’t wanna work while he does it. I was like that’s not very common, usually you’re young haha.

We ate pork ribs with this really good seasoning with pasta and vegetables. Then ice cream for dessert as always. The mom talked to me in English the whole time. She is really interested in it. I think she is happy that I understand her, because she was embarrassed to try but now that she has she feels comfortable. It's fine with me because the rest of the family doesn’t really know much English so I still get to practice. They are the best and funniest family EVER. They are like a reality show, Javier is 13 and he has a girlfriend and they all tease him. He takes his ice cream and a blanket to the porch and talks to her. His mom said he is doing bad in school because he is in love, it's so cute. Also they stole his phone while he was talking, he was so embarrassed. The dad is so funny and always wrestles him. I just sit back and watch them, its entertaining; they are soo nice and hilarious. I feel like I have been here forever and its been like 4 days.

Where all the bizarre dinner conversations happen!
 The mom really wants me to feel at home. Eat anything you want, call me whenever you need me. If you need something from the store I will get it. Its funny because I'm not used to that at home. I don’t like being pampered, I feel like a brat. I don’t need them to do stuff for me, they have to work and take care of kids. I don’t wanna be another burden.  But it is nice to know they care so much it makes me feel comfortable. Hey, im coming for a dorm where I had nothing, this is LITERALLY PARADISE. So I am beyond comfortable. We decided not to go out because of the rain and we are all exhausted. Plus I have class at 9am tomorrow. So we’ll see what happens tomorrow. Im excited to have some free time to catch up with my family and hang out with this family. Also to go shopping and walk around. We have just been non stop busy: walking, biking, hiking and touring. Its amazing but im tired and I wanna have some non planned exploring. As I'm writing this I think I have soo much time, but in 30 days when I have to leave, I'm gonna think it went fast, I know I will.

My room

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