
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 3: Where the hell am I going?

I slept until 2pm and woke up at lunch.

I had espresso with toast and it was just what I needed. Then I went to Plaza de Espana at 4pm to ride bikes. Took the bus to where we were yesterday (walking) and got bikes. We biked like 11km to a beach and stayed for a little. It was nice but not too hot and the water was cold.

Our Group and Our Bikes

Casual Smoke Fire
The beach we biked to
 Then we biked back quickly and got back on the bus to Plaza de Espana.

Then I walked home. Then we ate a traditional dish, which was chicken and vegetables and had fruit for dessert. It was all really delicious.

Then I left to go out for MY BIRTHDAY IN SPAIN!!

I got lost walking there; this place is like a confusing ass spider web from hell.

But still while getting lost, everything is beautiful, all the alleys, streets and plazas.

We went and sat outside and had sangria that tasted like bubble gum.

Sangria Sangria

Then Laura and Max snuck away and got me a slice of cake with a candle for my birthday and a SHOT OF TEQUILA. I was surprised and happy I love tequila and cake haha.
Me fist pumping with my shot and cake!
The Group

Mande our African Salesman/friend
We just chilled and talked and this black guy kept trying to sell stuff, then we took pictures with him and he wants me to add him on facebook. He thought I was from here, and then he was like German, British? I was like American. He was shocked, like he has never heard of Americans before. But then we left and I arrived just as mi padre Carlos and Carlitos(Carlos Jr.) arrived. He was in Madrid rowing for a race. It was awkward cuz I’m in his room and I feel bad. But then I just got ready to go to bed, cuz I have class tomorrow. 

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