
Everybody dies, but not everybody

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One Week Countdown

Excited is not even a big enough to describe the feeling I have. I know I might be overreacting but going to Spain has been my dream, while I have been abroad before and it was amazing, I still haven't been to Spain. I'm most excited because I know this will be the start of hopefully a never ending relationship with the culture. I have always felt like I belonged to a Hispanic culture; I mean eating and sleeping are two of my favorite things! But as I said before I am visiting Barcelona and am planning out all the things I would like to do while I am there. I will be going back at the end of the month, but I also will be visiting.......IBIZA!! Which I cannot wait to see either.

Now the problem is having the patience to sit down and pack (appropriately) for a month. When I did this last summer I brought WAY too much, but its hard not too. I hate being unprepared. Plus Spanish people, Catalonians especially like to look nice and dress up, so I need to have a wide array of clothing to blend in. I hate looking like a foreigner. It took me a nice tan and some plain clothes for the Puerto Ricans to stop calling me a gringo.

So one week left and this is what I have to narrow down

I too many clothes and not enough closet
Half of my shoes, How do i  pick?
Two drawers full of clothes
Bathing Suits

Oh, and 2 more drawers of clothes
This isnt two bad I just have to take everything I want to take with me and then just divide that by 10 and pack that. Because all my stuff has to fit into this:

This suitcase can keeeeeppp on stretchin'
So I have to mentally and physically prepare for the TIME OF MY LIFE. Peace out until the day before.

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